
DbGate consists of several NPM packages, which could be used in nodejs scripts

Typically you will need these packages:

  • dbgate-api - implements utility functions
  • dbgate-plugin-engine - set of connector plugins, implements connection to database and operations specific to given database engine
  • dbgate-plugin-fileformat - if you use export to CSV or XML, these format providers are implemented as external plugins

Documentation of API

Generating script from DbGate

Lot of DbGate features are internally implemented with scripting interface. So when you are using some export-like operation, there is somewhere “Generate Shell script” button, which generates nodejs script for you.

If you want to use nodejs script for exporting, you could use following steps:

  • Right click on table, choose “Export/Export advanced”
  • Configure your export
  • Choose “Generate script” at the bottom toolbar. Now you could edit the JS script and run it inside DbGate
  • If you choose “Copy nodejs script” at the button toolbar, you could save this to js file and run it with nodejs installed on your computer

Example 1 - export table to CSV

This is simple example, we are using tableReader from dbgateApi package and writer from dbgate-plugin-csv. Also dbgate-plugin-mysql is required, because we are using engine parameter mysql@dbgate-plugin-mysql

const dbgateApi = require('dbgate-api');
const dbgatePluginMysql = require("dbgate-plugin-mysql");
const dbgatePluginCsv = require("dbgate-plugin-csv");


async function run() {
  const reader = await dbgateApi.tableReader({
    connection: { server: 'localhost', engine: 'mysql@dbgate-plugin-mysql', user: 'root', password: 'xxxx', database: 'Chinook' },
    pureName: 'Customer',
  const writer = await dbgatePluginCsv.shellApi.writer({ fileName: 'Customer.csv' });
  await dbgateApi.copyStream(reader, writer);

  console.log('Finished job script');