
Connecting to your database from DbGate is easy. You can connect to a database in a few different ways:

  • Menu File/Add Connection or icon in CONNECTIONS widget
  • Menu File/New SQLite database - creates new SQLite database
  • Menu File/Open - you could open existing SQLite database

Connection screen

Connection screen Connection screen

Fields in connection screen highly depends on Connection type.

Several common fields:

  • Server - host name of database server
  • Port - port, in case of database default port, you could leave it empty
  • User, Password - authentization
  • Password mode
    • Save and encrypt - password is saved in encrypted way, you could not see it next time
    • Save RAW - password is saved as is (without encrypting), you could check it later
    • Don’t save, ask for password - password is not saved, you have to enter password in time of conecting
    • Don’t save, ask for login and password - password nor login is not saved, you have to enter both in time of conecting
  • Is read only - Connection will be read only (for engines without support readonly sessions, you could not execute SQL queries in this case)
  • Default database - which database will be active after connection
  • Use only datababase XXX - if checked, in connection tree will appear only this database
  • Display name - name, under which connnection will appeat in application

SSH Tunnel

You could configure connection over SSH tunnel here.

Common fields:

  • Use SSH tunnel - check to use SSH tunnel
  • Host - SSH server host name

DbGate - SSH tunnel configuration DbGate - SSH tunnel configuration


Configure SSL connection.

Common fields:

  • Use SSL - check to use SSL. In most cases, this is only you have to configure to use SSL

DbGate - SSL connection configuration DbGate - SSL connection configuration