
DbGate is available for various platforms, installation process is dependend on platform.


Windows supports msi installer and portable ZIP installation. Autoupdater is supported for MSI installer.


Linux supports snap packages and AppImage distribution. Both supports autoupdate (SNAP supports it natively)


For Mac, DMG installer is available. There are 3 packages available:

  • Apple (arm64) for new Apple M1, M2, M3, M4 processor
  • Intel (x86) - for old x86 processors
  • Apple+Intel - both packages in onw installer


Follow instructions on docker hub


You could also install web version of DbGate from NPM, please follow instructions on npmjs

Amazon (AWS)

Open DbGate on Amazon marketplace. We recommend t2.medium instance type for best user experience, but t2.micro available in free tier will be enough for small number of users.

More about AWS


Open DbGate on Azure marketplace. We recommend virtual machines with 2 GB RAM.

More about Azure